







狗非常可爱, 关于狗的高中英语作文有哪些?以下是小编为您整理的相关资料,欢迎阅读!


I have always hated dogs. Listen, it's from the front yard Wang Wang to the backyard, from the back yard Wang Wang to the front yard, endless, and no reason, hate! Sometimes, he does not like barking, but xishengxiqi, what's on his mind, quivering, along the foot of the wall, or along the Tian Ba, then pull the long sound melancholy notes, the mind Dunsheng compassion.

The dog's character is still a bit weird. He was honest and playful. To be honest, he will find a warm place, sleep all day, be carefree, and don't ask anything. However, if it decides to go out to play, it will run away for a long time. No matter who calls, it will not come back. If he wants to play it, he will play it. Indeed, how can he not go home for half a day? But he had to hear a little thing outside the wall, and it was so full of duty, climbed up the gate, barked and barked, and the thieves don't want to come in.

It is responsible, brave and hard for us to guard the house, I appreciate it, and I don't hate it!


Hello everyone! I'm a lovely little dog. I bought it by the mother of the little master. My hair is white and brown, my nose can't be found, there is a pair of big eyes that are watery, and the ears are drooping. The master wants me to master the languages of all countries, and let me learn the language of the pig country first, so call me "pig and pig".

One day, I fell to the ground, the owner let her dad pick me up, but he had picked up my tail, my tail pulled down. Ah! At that moment, I became a poor little dog with a disability.

One other day, I heard my owner talking about my name. The master said, "is it called" pig and pig "good? Or is it called "Gaga"? "I think: Well, if I learn bird languages, it is not called" Jiji "? I think I still went on to learn language in pigs!


Hi! Hello I'm a pea bean. I'm naturally greedy for fun, and sometimes I snooze and sleep. But sometimes I am very diligent, catch a bird every day, catch a cat, and occasionally bring a few birds, hi hi! Great! But my master caught heart soft, just let me go back, huh! I do not do it, but my little master wants to hard, I have to agree, put down the birds and run, you can not hit me.

To say that this cat is chasing the cat, I am an old expert. Look, there are cats invading, I approached the cat slowly, only to be found in him, I immediately sat on the ground, gradually pretended not to know, the cat, the guard, at a crucial moment in this occasion, I suddenly rushed up, of course, is the cat scared the crap out of her head in channeling ah. I called it by surprise, surprise.

Ho ho, I the dog star, there are many "fans" love me to vote for me.


A cat who laughs is a cat. What kind of dog is a crying dog? - chocolate. You may guess what a chocolate is. Tell you, it's my dog. Its hair is the color of chocolate, a bit like dark brown, and I also like chocolate at that time, so it's named.

Why do you want to know why it's crying? In the last few days, grandma wanted to sell a few dogs too many dogs. There is no chocolate, but chocolate is crying. Don't think it is crying because of excitement. It is because it can't tear until its own kind is killed. When the dog was bought, it did not move, and it was a reaction when the dog was closed to a cage. It screams, the original two bright and clear eyes become dull eyes, hanging a few drops of tears. It struggles, gets rid of the chain, wants to save the same kind, but it has not been successful, still trapped by the chain. The man who is buying a dog does not struggle, because it understands that he can not save the same kind. It's more like a whimper, as if they are sold. For two days, it was able to see its painful expression, like mourning for his own kind.

People and dogs, though different in language, have the same feelings. It is said that people and dogs are friends, but why do people want to kill their friends?

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