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Plastics are man-made materials with new properties. They are anywhere in our daily lives. They are very light but they can hold heavy things. That’s why they’re so popular all around the world.

Plastics have found their widest applications. They can be used for almost everything from food coverings to automobiles bodies. Thousands of different products are now made entirely or partially from plastics. Of course more and more plastics will be made in the future.

However, because the plastics are not rusting, they have negative effects on the global environment. The plastics bags are not easily to break down. If you’re burning them, they gas will pollute the environment. If you throw them into the river, the fish will die because they’re contain toxic. If you bury them, the land will not grow any crops. Most of the plastics are white, thus people call it “white pollution”.

In order to protect the environment, we should not use plastics if we could. We should use some cloths bags instead. Only in this way, we can have a good environment.






It is believed that the one who is with beautiful outlook will have more chances to be successful, everyone wants to have perfect outlook. Recently, the topic of only the good looking one has youth becomes popular, people satire this phenomenon. Actually, no one will deny the importance of outlook, the one who denies it may be he is jealous. Though outlook is important, it can’t decide everything, our effort is also important. If the one who is just caring about his face, ignoring other factors, he does not pay attention to the inside, the beautiful face will not help him go further. On the contrary, the outlook is a gift from the god, but only we work hard to improve ourselves, can we make this gift more precious. We must learn that beautiful outlook provides us an easy way to be successful, but if we don’t improve ourselves, we will be kicked out any time.


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