








The origin of tree planting day (one)

Every year in March 12th is our country's tree planting day, in fact, this day is the anniversary of Mr. Sun Zhongshan's death. It is determined that this day is tree planting day, one is from the season of planting trees; two is to commemorate Mr. Sun Zhongshan's success in advocating tree planting in his life.

Mr. Sun Zhongshan liked to plant trees, his former residence is still in the growth of a tree has one hundred years old Honolulu tamarind tree. This is 1883 years, only 18 year old Sun Zhongshan, all the way from Honolulu back to the seedlings planted, under his careful nurturing finally finished.

Sun Zhongshan was also the first man to advocate planting trees in modern China. The political literature he drafted in himself, "the book of Li Hongzhang", put forward that China wants to be strong and must be "eager to develop agriculture and to pay attention to the tree art."

After the 1911 Revolution, Mr. Sun Zhongshan proposed a plan for planting trees on a large scale in northern and central China. In a speech in Guangzhou in 1924, he stressed that the fundamental way to prevent floods and droughts is to constantly reforestation and large-scale forests. In addition, he has also repeatedly stressed the dangers of deforestation and the importance of afforestation, and he has worked and planted trees in person.

Under the initiative of Mr. Sun Zhongshan, China was first set up in July 30, 1915 to clear the tree planting day every year. In March 12, 1925, after the death of Sun Zhongshan, he decided to set Sun Zhongshan's death day as a tree planting day in order to commemorate his achievements in advocating afforestation.

Since the founding of new China, the party and the state have attached great importance to the construction of greening. In the middle of 50s, President Mao Zedong had called for "greening the motherland" and "the garden of the earth" in.1956, Chinese began the first "12 green campaign".1979 in February 23rd, in the fifth session of the sixth meeting of the NPC Standing Committee, according to the State Council proposed to mobilize people of all nationalities to accelerate afforestation, greening the motherland furthermore, in order to commemorate Mr. Sun Zhongshan decided in March 12th each year for the national arbor day.

Modern tree planting day was first launched by Nebraska in the United States. Before nineteenth Century, Nebraska was a bare wasteland. The trees were scarce, the land was dry, the wind was all together, and the yellow sand was all over the sky, and the people were suffering. In 1872, the famous American Agri - scientist, Julius Sterling Morton, proposed a tree planting day in Nebraska to mobilize people to plant trees in a planned way.

The State Agriculture Bureau adopted the proposal by the resolution, and the governor personally specified the third Wednesday in April as a tree planting day. When this decision was made, millions of trees were planted in the year. In the next 16 years, 600 million trees were planted successively, and the 100 thousand hectare wilderness of Nebraska became a dense forest. In order to commend Morton's achievements, the State Council formally stipulated that in 1885, Mr. Morton's birthday was taken as an annual Arbor Day in April 22nd and a day of holiday.

In the United States, Arbor Day is a state setting holiday, without a national unified date. But every year between 4 and May, every state in the United States has to organize tree planting festivals. For example, Luo Deai Lanzhou stipulates that the second Friday of May is a tree planting day and a day of holiday. There are fixed dates in other states, and other government departments of the governor or state decide the date of tree planting Festival temporarily. Whenever the arbor day arrival, mainly by students of social people from all walks of life consists of planting into the army go forward with great strength and vigour, tree planting activities.

The United States today, tree lined road. According to the statistics. The United States has 1/3 of the area covered by forest trees, this achievement is inseparable with the arbor day.

The origin of tree planting Festival two)

March 12th is China's tree planting day.

Before liberation, Mr. Sun Zhongshan died in Beiping in March 12, 1925, and he moved the coffin in Zijin Mountain in Nanjing in 1929. In 1930, the Kuomintang government decided to establish Arbor Day in March 12th.

After the revolution, in 4 years (1915) by the Ministry of agriculture chief Zhou Ziqi is quasi president, to Tomb-sweeping Day each year for arbor day.

In December 13, 1981, the four session of the five National People's Congress discussed the adoption of the resolution on the development of the task of planting trees in the task of the whole people. This is the first major resolution made by the supreme authority of the state since the founding of the people's Republi of China on the greening of the motherland. Since then, the national responsibility planting movement, as a law, began to be implemented throughout the country.

The 1928 northern expedition after April 7th by the national order of the Kuomintang Government: "the subsequent lunar Qingming arbor day should be changed to the prime minister to commemorate the death of trees", in February 9, 1929 the Ministry of agricultural and mineral decree published "Premier commemorate the death tree planting ceremony" Provisional Regulations on 16 provinces planting. While the National Government Administrative Institute of agricultural and mining minister Mr. Sun Zhongshan to comply with Prudential teachings, actively advocated afforestation, in February 1930 a quasi administrative institute and civil government, since March 9~15 days a week for "afforestation campaign week", on the 12 day of Sun Zhongshan's death anniversary held tree planting ceremony. The northern region in early March, air conditioning has not disappeared, it is also not suitable for planting trees, tree planting type is specified is still held in March 12th, afforestation campaign for the comprehensive Tomb-sweeping Day. In addition, the ministry promulgated the 7 articles to publicize the weekly program of the afforestation movement of various counties in various provinces and counties in order to take care of the whole country.

In March 12, 1925, Mr. Sun Zhongshan died in memory of the giant. In 1930, the Kuomintang government changed the tree planting day to March 12th every year.

After the founding of the Communist Party of China, in 1979, under the proposal of Deng Xiaoping, the fifth session of the sixth session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress was made annually as the tree planting festival in March 12th.

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